Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. (LEC) is dedicated to providing integrated lightning protection and lightning prevention products, solutions and services. In association with grounding systems engineering, testing and surge protection design LEC utilizes innovative patented charge transfer technology, providing comprehensive and integral consulting, assessment and design. All work product is based on state of the art engineering principles and physics which has enabled LEC to successfully install and maintain lightning protection systems (LPS) and solutions that divert direct lightning strikes and protect against lightning’s secondary effects in over 90 countries, and throughout the United States, since 1971. years.
Through products such as its proprietary Dissipation Array® Systems (DAS®) and the Retractable Grounding Assembly (RGA®) for floating roof tanks, LEC has protected the majority of Global 1000 companies from disaster and loss efficiently and sustainably across multiple industries which include but are not limited to the Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Energy, Biochemical, Chemical Manufacturing, Information Technologies, Nuclear Energy, Mining, Utilities, Shipping, Manufacturing industries and more.
Lightning Eliminators was founded in 1971 by Roy B. Carpenter, Jr., and still operates today under the guidance and supervision of the Carpenter Family in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
Roy Carpenter served as a Chief Engineer for NASA’s Apollo Moon Landing Missions and the Space Shuttle design engineering teams. Lightning, a large and frequent problem at Cape Canaveral, led to the formation of Lightning Eliminators & Associates the precursor to Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. established in order to study and apply engineering principles to lightning strike problems and setting out to design a lightning strike prevention system based on physics and taking into account the scientific study of point-discharge rather than guess work or mere observation as had been the oversight of the lightning protection community for well over 200 years.